英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 14:47:53
  • 单语例句

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1. He blogged his actions and deepest thoughts in real time, using a cellphone that seemed glued to his hand.

2. And the more people are glued to the screen, the more economic value will ultimately materialize from it.

3. Getting glued to The Sopranos can kill time faster than New Jersey mafia hit man.

4. Yet another study argues that staying glued to computer or TV screens for long hours is not the sole environmental cause of myopia.

5. More problematic, it's hard to take these things off as if they were " glued " to her body.

6. He then pieced the parts together with hinges and glued it to a sports undergarment within 8 weeks.

7. Pristina's streets were empty, with people glued to their radios and television screens.

8. Those and millions of millions of other orbs will be glued to the golf in Rio de Janeiro in 2016.

9. A boy maneuvers a giant plastic rabbit with blades glued to its feet.

10. " I've been glued to the television in the past two days, " she wrote.

glued to

1. Every year, without fail, she will stay glued to the goggle-box at that very moment and comment on how so-and-so from the Cabinet looks well despite reported illness, or how Mr X has shockingly grown a head of white hair.

2. glued to的反义词

2. Handy for all the things that need to be glued later on after cure like my egg crate.

3. I will be glued to my tv for the next 2 weeks.

4. This is a very useful property, because it allows two different molecules to be glued to each other in a specific way.


5. You do that again and youre going|to be glued to the bench.

6. This will help in aligning a piece to be glued on the back.

7. Why must you always be glued to the TV?

8. Making a positive is also a lot of work because it has to be made out off a lot of different parts that has to be glued together.

9. glued to的意思

9. One of the biggest assets of PimpMyNews is that your eyes will no longer have to be glued to the computer screen when you want to know whats going on in the world.

10. They will be removed later when its time to prime/paint the structure, and then permanently glued into position.

11. glued to的反义词

11. The brain is sliced in a preprepared agar mould glued to a special stage placed in a conventional vibratome.

12. In the antileakage rubber and installation on the monlchamus key should note the following:(1) to kuyto specialadhesive groove glue before you in the Groove and a plastic tank around apply a thin film of oil, and then glued to antileakage in the Groove on the ground, leak-proof plastic pallet plane must exceed 3~cover serous cystadenoma, glue the same way.

13. A right-angle prism of 1mm×1mm×1mm dimension was glued on the side surface of the double-cladding fiber whose dimension was 330μm×170μm. The tested laser was coupled into the inner cladding of double-cladding fiber through the micro-prism. The coupling efficiency was measured to be 86% or so.

14. Here's two pices of sheet balsa with the template glued on with 3M 77 ready to cut out and sand to the outside edge of the template.

15. glued to

15. Engraving by gravure printing ink roller transferred directly to the hole as printed materials, paint or ink layer glued storage capacity is be qualified.

16. glued to

16. First the top layers are joined to each other and then glued to the HDF core.

17. It was 1960, and 1 was glued to my AM radio, listening to Del Shannon and Chubby Checker.

18. glued to什么意思

18. But the shouts of laughter became uproarious when Neptune came in view, clad in a blouse, a high, bulging workman's cap on his head, lovelocks glued to his temples.

19. I was just as glued to the screen as I was the first time.

20. No one is glued to the house.

Tarhouni, now 60, sat glued to the television until he could no longer stand staying away.(如今塔胡尼已经60岁了,他坐在电视机前收看相关报道,一刻也不肯离身,直到意识到自己无法再置身事外。)
The orange street lamps are crumpled toffee-wrappers glued to lollipop sticks.(橙色的路灯灯光就像棒棒糖有褶皱包装纸一样粘附着。)
Traders and fund managers who were catching some sun found themselves glued to their BlackBerrys and on the phone to their offices.(正享受日光浴的交易商和基金经理发现自己无法离开黑莓手机和打往办公室的电话。)
The children messed up the house when their mother was glued to the TV.(妈妈专心看电视的时候,孩子们把家里搞得乱七八糟。)
Japanese residents were also glued to their televisions, despite the game starting around 4 a.m. local time.(日本人同样聚集在电视机前,尽管比赛开始时间已经是当地时间凌晨4点。)
It's the summer holidays - and the kids are glued to their games consoles.(又是一年暑假时——孩子们又黏上了他们的游戏键盘了。)
Cut out two oval shapes for the head and glue on – part of each oval will be glued to the body, the other part to the second oval.(剪出两个椭圆形用来做头部,再把它们粘起来——每个椭圆的一端粘连在身体上,另一端则和另一个椭圆粘起来。)
Cell phones belong in your pocket not glued to your ear.(手机应该放在你的包里,而不是粘在你的耳旁。)
SAN FRANCISCO — On the Fourth of July, Marcus Beisel and his extended clan were glued to a TV set here.(旧金山——七月四日,一群足球迷全神贯注地盯着电视机屏幕,马库贝赛就是其中之一。大家抱着很大的希望,而收获的只是一地的懊丧。)
Your hands aren't glued to mouse and keyboard anymore.(你的双手不会再被粘到鼠标和键盘上。)
glued to是什么意思 glued to在线翻译 glued to什么意思 glued to的意思 glued to的翻译 glued to的解释 glued to的发音 glued to的同义词